Cue Lathes and Lathe Supplies for Sale in St. Louis MO
6/18/2019 8:37:39 AM
Cue Lathes and Lathe Supplies for Sale in St. Louis MO
I have 5 cue lathes and lathe supplies for sale as well as cue blanks, turns, butts, and shafts, and other cue repair materials.
I am a Vet, and they are from my home in metro St. Louis, Missouri.
A production and repair carpenter in my nursing home and asked me to sell this split base lathe setup and all the supplies that go with it.
It includes 2 older lathes in the batch.
He also has a LOM great setup for duplicating shafts and buts.
Willing to work with potential buyer on payments to get their new business started. Reply with any interest. I'm selling at less than 1/2 value.
Located in Metro St. Louis, MO.
Cue Lathes and Lathe Supplies for Sale in St. Louis MO
Cue Lathes and Lathe Supplies for Sale in St. Louis MO
- Title: Cue Lathes and Lathe Supplies for Sale in St. Louis MO
- Author: user1560872258 (Ron Mattox)
- Published: 6/18/2019 8:37:39 AM
- Last Updated: 6/25/2019 5:25:31 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)