Cost to Refinish an EI Custom Pool Cue in Missouri
5/19/2017 7:51:06 PM
Cost to Refinish an EI Custom Pool Cue in Missouri
I bought an 8-point cue off of a guy that says EI on it. It looks really nice and I was wanting to talk to someone about it and about possibly having it refinished.
I am curious what the cost would be to refinish an EI custom cue stick and what the stick would maybe be worth.
Who would be the best person or company to contact for this job?
Cost to Refinish an EI Custom Pool Cue in Missouri
Replies & Comments
Mark Bellamy on 9/6/2017 11:32:15 PM
Schmelke Cues in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. They do fantastic restorations at a reasonable price.
Cost to Refinish an EI Custom Pool Cue in Missouri
- Title: Cost to Refinish an EI Custom Pool Cue in Missouri
- Author: Libbycaleb (Caleb Libby)
- Published: 5/19/2017 7:51:06 PM
- Last Updated: 5/22/2017 3:23:34 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)