Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
1/14/2018 12:14:56 AM
Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
I have this pool cue with the male side of the joint on the pool cue shaft.
Can anyone tell me what brand of pool cue this is please?
I have never seen one with the male part on the shaft. There is no name on the pool cue and no markings.
Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
Replies & Comments
Mark Bellamy on 1/28/2018 5:29:29 PM
Most of the more inexpensive cue sticks made before 1970 had the male part of the joint (the screw) on the shaft.
It is very common for an older cue stick to have the joint set up this way. For the past, I would say, 25 years virtually all joints have the male part of the joint (the screw) on the butt instead of the shaft.
Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
- Title: Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
- Author: user1515906894
- Published: 1/14/2018 12:14:56 AM
- Last Updated: 1/14/2018 2:53:27 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)