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Whitten 3X6 and Justis 2X4 Pro Lite Cases For Sale

Whitten 3X6 and Justis 2X4 Pro Lite Cases For Sale

Jack Justis 2x4 Pro Lite Pool Cue Case For Sale

I have a Jack Justis 2x4 Pro Lite pool cue case for sale. The case is used but in very good condition with minor scratches. It was built in 2008.

Price is $500 shipped within the continental USA.

Whitten 3x6 Pool Cue Case For Sale

This Whitten 3x6 pool cue case is in very good condition with very few scratches.

Price is $400 shipped within the continental USA.

Please email me with any questions to lpcustomcues@aol.com

Whitten 3X6 and Justis 2X4 Pro Lite Cases For Sale

Replies & Comments

  1. LPCUSTOMCUESLPCUSTOMCUES on 2/15/2011 2:04:02 PM

    Justis is sold. Whitten is still available. Make offer...

    Thanks Lee

  2. LPCUSTOMCUESguest on 3/8/2012 2:37:18 AM

    $250 for the Whitten cue.

    Mike Murphy 213 810-7198 Los Angeles

    ...Call soon!

  3. LPCUSTOMCUESLPCUSTOMCUES on 3/8/2012 3:58:11 AM

    Both were sold a year ago


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Whitten 3X6 and Justis 2X4 Pro Lite Cases For Sale

  • Title: Whitten 3X6 and Justis 2X4 Pro Lite Cases For Sale
  • Author: (Lee Peppers)
  • Published: 2/15/2011 7:29:37 AM