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Online Snooker, 8 Ball, 9 Ball Tournaments

Online Snooker, 8 Ball, 9 Ball Tournaments

Hi there all you pool players!

If you need a break from playing your real pool, come and play with me and others at {removed}

There are a variety of games: 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Snooker, and very often we host tournaments with special rules (9 ball must move, no aiming, etc.)

Its all free, so check it out!

Oh! And make sure to add WalkieTalkieMan if you see him in a lobby!

Online Snooker, 8 Ball, 9 Ball Tournaments

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Online Snooker, 8 Ball, 9 Ball Tournaments

  • Title: Online Snooker, 8 Ball, 9 Ball Tournaments
  • Author: (Tyler Fitzgerald)
  • Published: 3/4/2011 5:32:21 PM