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What if a Spot Blocked by a Ball in Skittle Pool

What if a Spot Blocked by a Ball in Skittle Pool

What happens when a skittle spot blocked by a ball in skittle pool? What happens if a spot is occupied?

For example, you sink the red and the yellow or cue ball end up on the red's (pink) spot, or you sink the yellow and the red or cue ball ends up on the yellow's (brown) spot?

What about if you knock over a skittle and a ball ends up covering the skittle's spot?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

What if a Spot Blocked by a Ball in Skittle Pool

Replies & Comments

  1. ve3zedgully-foyle on 3/19/2018 1:47:03 AM

    If a 'spot' is occupied...

    • If the cue ball resting on the 'pink spot' and you can't re-position the red, we placed the red ball on the rail below the black spot)
    • If the yellow ball is covering the pink spot, position the red on the rail behind the black spot.
    • If the 'yellow spot' (brown spot when I played) is occupied by the red ball, the yellow goes against the rail below the brown spot.

    The cue ball is never 'moved' unless it's covering a skittles spot.

    If a 'skittle spot' is occupied:

    • i.e., a ball has knocked over a pin and the skittle can't be replaced, if it's an object ball, it's placed on the appropriate spot. However, if it's say, the red ball and the 'pink spot' is covered by the yellow ball, then the red ball is placed against the rail behind the black spot.

    If it's the cue ball, you play the cue ball as if it was the beginning of the game and place the skittle.

    Should it happen 'two' things are occupied, go by logic.

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What if a Spot Blocked by a Ball in Skittle Pool

  • Title: What if a Spot Blocked by a Ball in Skittle Pool
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/18/2018 9:51:43 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/19/2018 9:33:47 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)