Rules for Scoring in 3-Ball Billiards
4/12/2009 11:52:49 PM
Rules for Scoring in 3-Ball Billiards
We are new at playing 3-ball at our club. Could you please settle something for us?
Playing 3-ball pool rules. I break and make the 1 ball. Then, on the next shot I make a ball, and on the next shot I make another ball, but also pocket the cue ball.
What would my score be at this time? How many points would I have based on play so far?
Please help clarify.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Rules for Scoring in 3-Ball Billiards
Replies & Comments
Dld4a on 5/18/2009 12:41:37 PM
This is the only mention of a cue ball scratch that I see and it is in the "Other 3 Ball Rule Variants" section:
On any given stroke, should a scratch occur, all balls pocketed are to be spotted and a 1 point punishment applied. Of course, if playing 3 ball billiard on a coin operated pool table, this rule is not feasible.
So I'd say the score is 3 and your "inning/game" is over, unless you are playing the above variant.
Stanley on 5/19/2009 4:04:40 AM
You have taken 3 strokes, plus you get a 1-point penalty for the scratch... Thus your score is a 4. 3-ball scoring has been done this way for as long as I have played the game.
Nagav on 6/1/2017 12:48:36 PM
The 3-ball pool rules were almost certainly intended to mean that scratches count as a 1-point loss, but other fouls do not apply.
With that being said, this still does not agree with other rule sets.
Rules for Scoring in 3-Ball Billiards
- Title: Rules for Scoring in 3-Ball Billiards
- Author: smitty313 (Donald Smith)
- Published: 4/12/2009 11:52:49 PM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2017 4:52:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)