Rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards Set with 3 Balls
6/30/2015 1:46:34 AM
Rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards Set with 3 Balls
Does anyone have the rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards set with 2 white balls and 1 red ball?
I have a Bussey's Table Billiards set. It is over 130 years old, and we just unearthed it from the family archives. It came with three balls; Two white balls and one red ball.
Is the red ball the billiard ball? Must all three be pocketed?
Rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards Set with 3 Balls
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/2/2017 6:24:17 AM
Hey John, you probably figured this out by now, but wanted to post these just in case, and for the others that find this post looking for the rules for a Bussey's Table Billiard set.
Geo. G. Bussey Co., Manufacturing included 3 sets of rules with their Bussey's Table Billiards set. These also came in the cloth repair kits sold separately. There were rules for "Pyramids", "Billiards", and "Pool". This should answer your question I believe.
Rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards Set with 3 Balls
- Title: Rules for a Bussey's Table Billiards Set with 3 Balls
- Author: John Trent
- Published: 6/30/2015 1:46:34 AM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2017 6:05:02 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)