Remove Legally Pocketed Balls Due to a Foul in Golf Pool?
4/16/2020 7:23:42 PM
Remove Legally Pocketed Balls Due to a Foul in Golf Pool?
In Golf Pool, if you make a legal shot and make a ball in a pocket, do you ever take it back out because of a foul?
This is what happened:
- I shot my object ball into the 5th pocket in a game of 4 people playing.
- I got distracted, and pulled out the wrong object ball, and shot at pocket 6
- I then realized my screw up, chalked up a foul, and paid the other player for a direct hit on his ball.
I then got into an argument about this scenario.
- Opponent said that because I didn't spot my ball, it also cost me the 5th pocket and I would have to make it all over again.
- I think because the ball was shot properly into the 5th pocket, it would count, but I would have pay for the fouls and wait for my next turn to proceed.
I didn't think in golf you take away a pocket legally made.
Can you clarify the rules on this scenario?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Remove Legally Pocketed Balls Due to a Foul in Golf Pool?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/17/2020 2:10:42 PM
From the 2000 BCA rule book:
The following scenarios constitute fouls (faults) in Golf Pool:
- Causing any ball to leave the table. If it is the cue ball, it is spotted by the next shooter on the D. Any other ball is spotted as close as possible to the foot spot.
- Pocketing a ball in the wrong hole.
- Failing to hit the shooter's ball first or at all.
- Failing to do one of the following:
- Legally pocket the player's object ball
- Contact a cushion with any ball after a legal hit
- Kick the cue ball off a cushion to a legal hit.
Remove Legally Pocketed Balls Due to a Foul in Golf Pool?
- Title: Remove Legally Pocketed Balls Due to a Foul in Golf Pool?
- Author: Freddy (Freddy Krieg)
- Published: 4/16/2020 7:23:42 PM
- Last Updated: 4/17/2020 2:00:18 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)