Order of Play for Ball-in-Hand in Scotch Doubles?
1/26/2020 11:32:18 AM
Order of Play for Ball-in-Hand in Scotch Doubles?
What are the rules around order of play in scotch doubles when it is "ball-in-hand"?
For example, let's say my team receives ball in hand. Which player on my team can receive and play the ball in hand?
Do we still follow the order of who plays next or can any stronger player play a ball-in-hand?
This question references the following Billiard Glossary terms:
Order of Play for Ball-in-Hand in Scotch Doubles?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/26/2020 12:02:08 PM
In scotch doubles, the order of play must be maintained between innings at the table.
Order can be altered from game-to-game, but not within a game.
Order of Play for Ball-in-Hand in Scotch Doubles?
- Title: Order of Play for Ball-in-Hand in Scotch Doubles?
- Author: Sandee Gleason
- Published: 1/26/2020 11:32:18 AM
- Last Updated: 1/26/2020 11:58:40 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)