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"Nine Inning Billiard Game" New Pool Game

"Nine Inning Billiard Game" New Pool Game

Just dropping a note to show you a new billiard game called the nine inning GRid GAme.. featuring the GRid RAck.

It is also known as the "Nine Inning Billiard Game" or the "Nine Inning Grid Game", and incorporates the patent pending GRid RAck training aid device.

This game is for pool players of all levels, and does not require any trick shots. Plus it's fun. It is a training game that helps with pool playing strategy.

"Nine Inning Billiard Game" New Pool Game

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"Nine Inning Billiard Game" New Pool Game

  • Title: "Nine Inning Billiard Game" New Pool Game
  • Author: (Jim Wright)
  • Published: 1/23/2012 7:54:18 AM