Kelly Pool and Scratching on the 8-Ball
9/26/2018 12:58:37 AM
Kelly Pool and Scratching on the 8-Ball
What happens when you scratch on the 8-ball in Kelly pool rules?
I was recently in a 2-man Kelly Pool contest where my opponent had pocketed all the small numbered balls and I had two large numbered balls remaining on the table.
My opponent was then trying to pot the black 8-ball to win the game, but the cue ball went in off the 8-ball.
My question is; Do I then win the game or do I only get two shots?
My understanding is that you automatically lose if you make a mistake on the black 8-ball.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Kelly Pool and Scratching on the 8-Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/26/2018 2:55:44 PM
Not sure if I am understanding your question, but according to the rules of 8-ball (which, in general, apply to Kelly Pool Rules for any aspects not clearly outlined in those Kelly pool rules):
When the 8-ball is the legal object ball, a scratch or foul is not loss of game if the 8-ball is not pocketed or jumped from the table. Incoming player has cue ball in hand.
If the 8 ball was pocketed by your opponent at the same time, it would come back out. According to Kelly Pool Rules:
Should the player pocket the cue ball as well as their own object ball or any other object ball in the same shot, it is considered a foul shot and does not count for scoring purposes. Any balls pocketed via the above shots are re-spotted and the next player's inning begins. All other fouls included in the General Rules of Pocket Billiards apply to Kelly Pool.
Kelly Pool and Scratching on the 8-Ball
- Title: Kelly Pool and Scratching on the 8-Ball
- Author: Charles Nicholls
- Published: 9/26/2018 12:58:37 AM
- Last Updated: 9/26/2018 2:48:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)