In a 7 Ball Rack, Which Ball Goes on the Spot?
6/13/2010 6:10:24 PM
In a 7 Ball Rack, Which Ball Goes on the Spot?
When playing 7 ball, does the 1 ball get put on the spot? That is what it says in the 7-ball rules on this site.
I was told the 7 ball is put on the spot.
Which is correct?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
In a 7 Ball Rack, Which Ball Goes on the Spot?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/9/2011 7:26:35 AM
The 1 ball is placed at the head of the 7-ball rack, and the head of the 7-ball rack is put on the spot. I think that is what you are asking...
If you have any sources I can look at that says the 7 ball should go on the spot, can you let me know?
In a 7 Ball Rack, Which Ball Goes on the Spot?
- Title: In a 7 Ball Rack, Which Ball Goes on the Spot?
- Author: Rick 9155
- Published: 6/13/2010 6:10:24 PM
- Last Updated: 1/9/2017 7:23:12 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)