Ball Setup for Straight-Rail Billiards?
7/26/2008 12:50:49 PM
Ball Setup for Straight-Rail Billiards?
Can you explain how to set up the balls to play straight rail billiards?
What is the starting position of the balls in straight rail?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Ball Setup for Straight-Rail Billiards?
Replies & Comments
Mark Altherr on 8/5/2008 4:33:39 PM
The starting position in straight-rail pool is as follows:
- red ball on the foot spot and
- yellow and white cues on the two head spots which are about 8 inches apart
Rod G on 8/5/2008 6:09:09 PM
In other words the starting position in straight rail billiards is the same as in 3 cushion?
Mark Altherr on 8/6/2008 7:11:20 AM
Yes. There are two different governing bodies however, and some nuances are different.
For example, our club uses an eight inch separation between the object cue ball and the shooter's cue ball (object cue ball on the head spot and shooter's cue on either side) while the straight rail rules published herein use a 6-inch separation. A quibble for all intents.
Rod G on 8/6/2008 10:12:05 AM
Thanks for the info Mark.
Ball Setup for Straight-Rail Billiards?
- Title: Ball Setup for Straight-Rail Billiards?
- Author: Rod G (Rod Gustafson)
- Published: 7/26/2008 12:50:49 PM
- Last Updated: 1/1/2018 4:31:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)