1 and 15 8-Ball - Pocket 1-Ball on Break and Also a Striped Ball
2/10/2012 7:55:37 AM
1 and 15 8-Ball - Pocket 1-Ball on Break and Also a Striped Ball
In One Fifteen 8-Ball Rules:
If a shooter on the opening break shot pockets the One Ball in the left side pocket and a Striped Ball in any other pocket what happens?
- does the one ball get spotted and the shooter keep shooting striped balls?
- does the shooter have a choice to keep shooting low balls and the 1-ball remains pocketed?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
1 and 15 8-Ball - Pocket 1-Ball on Break and Also a Striped Ball
Replies & Comments
user1523594026 on 4/13/2018 1:05:27 AM
The 1-15 ball rules as we play it here at Mission Royale, if the 1-ball drops on the break and a stripe drops on the break, the shooter leaves them both down, but must still confirm by shooting a solid or stripe of their choice.
If the shooter misses confirm on second shot, the 2 balls dropped on break still stay down, and second player still has an open table and can shoot either stripe or solid to confirm.
1 and 15 8-Ball - Pocket 1-Ball on Break and Also a Striped Ball
- Title: 1 and 15 8-Ball - Pocket 1-Ball on Break and Also a Striped Ball
- Author: Anthony Russo
- Published: 2/10/2012 7:55:37 AM
- Last Updated: 1/14/2018 9:32:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)