1-15 8 Ball - What Happens if you Scratch After Pocketing the 15 Ball?
3/30/2022 1:18:34 PM
1-15 8 Ball - What Happens if you Scratch After Pocketing the 15 Ball?
In 1-15 8 ball, what happens if I sink the 15 ball in the proper side pocket, but then I scratch the cue ball after that?
Does the 15 have to come up or can I choose any stripe as the special ball?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
1-15 8 Ball - What Happens if you Scratch After Pocketing the 15 Ball?
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 3/30/2022 7:05:27 PM
Be sure to check the rules on this site for 1-15 8-Ball. I don't play this game, but it would be common that if you scratch on the same shot which sank the 15, you didn't successfully sink it. So it should be spotted, it would be the only stripe on the table, and I don't think it would matter to either player what number was on the ball.
billiardsforum on 4/1/2022 2:08:22 AM
@Ray Mills is correct.
A cue ball scratch is a standard foul in one-fifteen 8 ball. In your case, the 15 ball is spotted, and your opponent's inning begins with cue ball in hand from anywhere on the table.
RayMills on 4/1/2022 4:51:46 AM
The Rules seemed to reference a circumstance where another stripe could be pocketed on the same shot as the 15's, so if two stripes are being spotted it would be less confusing to have one of them be the 15.
1-15 8 Ball - What Happens if you Scratch After Pocketing the 15 Ball?
- Title: 1-15 8 Ball - What Happens if you Scratch After Pocketing the 15 Ball?
- Author: user1648671514
- Published: 3/30/2022 1:18:34 PM
- Last Updated: 4/1/2022 1:57:47 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)