1-15 8-Ball when the 1 or 15 Ball Pocketed in the Wrong Pocket
9/16/2021 5:04:41 PM
1-15 8-Ball when the 1 or 15 Ball Pocketed in the Wrong Pocket
In one-fifteen 8-ball, what happens when the 1 ball or 15 ball is pocketed in the wrong pocket, and the shooting player doesn't stop shooting for the special balls to be spotted?
So, if the the player continues to shoot but hasn't spotted the 1 or 15 ball, what are the options at this point?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
1-15 8-Ball when the 1 or 15 Ball Pocketed in the Wrong Pocket
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 9/17/2021 12:40:14 AM
What game are you playing?
billiardsforum on 10/27/2021 3:52:11 AM
I've updated the question to reflect that it's likely about the game of One Fifteen Eight Ball Pool.
I am not well versed in this specific game variation, but if something isn't specified in the specific rules, it falls back to the rules of 8 ball (and then to the general rules of pocket billiards).
Based on that, and assuming the 1 or 15 balls weren't called shots into those pockets, I suspect that the shooting player would receive a foul for something along the lines of playing out of turn.
This previous question might also help:
1-15 8-Ball when the 1 or 15 Ball Pocketed in the Wrong Pocket
- Title: 1-15 8-Ball when the 1 or 15 Ball Pocketed in the Wrong Pocket
- Author: user1631837080 (Bradford Brinizer)
- Published: 9/16/2021 5:04:41 PM
- Last Updated: 10/27/2021 3:43:06 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)