Pool Tournaments near Chicago Suburbs
6/7/2021 2:24:31 PM
Pool Tournaments near Chicago Suburbs
Are there any good pool tournaments in the Chicago suburbs?
Pool Tournaments near Chicago Suburbs
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 6/7/2021 4:00:41 PM
I am not sure.
I'm in The Deep South but only until they add a deeper state.
I've been playing pool seriously for about 40 years. I stopped entering tournaments because of the cigarette smoke. Things are better now though.
Pool Tournaments near Chicago Suburbs
- Title: Pool Tournaments near Chicago Suburbs
- Author: user1623101070
- Published: 6/7/2021 2:24:31 PM
- Last Updated: 6/10/2021 9:42:23 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)