8 Ball Tournaments near Sacramento, CA?
12/31/2009 1:24:25 AM
8 Ball Tournaments near Sacramento, CA?
Are there any 8 ball tournaments in Sacramento, CA?
I am looking for 8-ball tournaments to enter within 100 miles of Citrus Heights California, which is a suburb of Sacramento CA.
8 Ball Tournaments near Sacramento, CA?
Replies & Comments
Bryan in Yuba City on 8/4/2010 2:56:57 AM
I know there are a bunch of local 8 ball tournaments in Marysville, CA and Yuba City, CA and we also have pool league play.
For professional tournaments, I am not too sure.
8 Ball Tournaments near Sacramento, CA?
- Title: 8 Ball Tournaments near Sacramento, CA?
- Author: Tim Burrows
- Published: 12/31/2009 1:24:25 AM
- Last Updated: 1/21/2017 2:00:01 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)