Tips for Shooting when Cue Ball is Hugging the Rail
3/17/2011 12:26:13 PM
Tips for Shooting when Cue Ball is Hugging the Rail
Here is a quick tip on shooting the cue ball away from the rail or over an object ball.
Weather you seasoned pool player or a beginner or if you use an open bridge or closed, this will work for you.
What you do is you take your back hand and use it like a can opener to lightly put downward pressure on your cue. This will it will in turn put downward pressure on your bridge hand.
For the best results hold the cue in the drawn back position and make a single smooth stroke. The key to the shot is the single stroke.
If you do this consistently your accuracy and confidence will become much better.
Good luck on this one and, as always, practice, practice, practice!
Tips for Shooting when Cue Ball is Hugging the Rail
Tips for Shooting when Cue Ball is Hugging the Rail
- Title: Tips for Shooting when Cue Ball is Hugging the Rail
- Author: The Bank Master
- Published: 3/17/2011 12:26:13 PM
- Last Updated: 1/19/2019 3:08:15 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)