The Crucifix Billiard Drill
3/13/2011 3:38:12 PM
The Crucifix Billiard Drill
Here is a video of a 1-pocket drill to help with your 14.1 and/or one pocket game.
This billiard drill is called "the crucifix" billiard drill.
The Crucifix Billiard Drill
Replies & Comments
allanpsand on 5/2/2013 11:51:12 AM
You might start with five balls cross, then add balls to each arm as you are able to complete each set.
Setting up the full set of balls when you are not at the level to succeed just makes the whole exercise more frustrating. Always work your way through drills from easy to difficult.
2ballrun on 5/5/2013 7:10:14 AM
The video is gone. Forcefollow closed his youtube account. :(
The Crucifix Billiard Drill
- Title: The Crucifix Billiard Drill
- Author: forcefollow (Marcus Norwood)
- Published: 3/13/2011 3:38:12 PM