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Stun Shots (and 40 Pool Playing Tips)

Stun Shots (and 40 Pool Playing Tips)

So I'm just looking at the statistics for the how many articles we have in the billiard playing tips section, and we've (FINALLY) surpassed the forty mark. The most recent set is on a bunch of drills on how to rock a proper billiard stun shot. So hey, enjoy, and if anyone wants to contribute please do use the contact form at the bottom of the page or use this forum. We'd love to have your own pool playing tips posted for others to use.

Stun Shots (and 40 Pool Playing Tips)

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Stun Shots (and 40 Pool Playing Tips)

  • Title: Stun Shots (and 40 Pool Playing Tips)
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 5/25/2008 2:02:40 AM