Sandbagging in Cutthroat Billiards
5/27/2006 7:51:59 PM
Sandbagging in Cutthroat Billiards
As mentioned in some cutthroat billiards articles, a player can always sacrifice a ball or two of their own in order to continue their inning. This weakens their overall position at first, but of course, if they sacrifice one of their balls, and continue a run where they sink two of their opponent's, their overall position is strengthened. Thoughts?
Sandbagging in Cutthroat Billiards
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/27/2006 8:00:40 PM
Nice one. Can be hard work, but when you are out of options, what can you do! Just be sure to decide before hand on what will be done with the balls of your own that you pocket. If they are to be respotted, or not, seems to be a point of contention.
Sandbagging in Cutthroat Billiards
- Title: Sandbagging in Cutthroat Billiards
- Author: straightshooter
- Published: 5/27/2006 7:51:59 PM