Please Help, I can't shoot anymore
2/4/2011 5:06:57 PM
Please Help, I can't shoot anymore
I just joined this forum because I need advice. I've been playing pool for a long time, I'm nothing special but am definitely above average. About two months ago out of the blue I was shooting the best pool of my life. I was hitting long shots I wasn't normally able to hit, and I was getting good shape. I would destroy my brother like nothing.
I was already pretty good at cue ball control, but never had the shot making ability, but for about a month, I was on fire.
And now, it's gone.
I can't shoot straight anymore, and I don't know why. Wherever I aim, the cue ball doesn't go. It's very frustrating lining up a shot, eyeing it out till it seems right, shooting, and then seeing that I wasn't even close. I don't understand it. My brother wins every time now.
Obviously something is wrong with the way I'm shooting. I'm wondering if anyone can give me basic fundamental tips that might help me get back to the way I was. I've never paid too much attention to fundamentals, I've always just shot the way I feel comfortable. But something is very wrong, because the way I'm shooting now, you'd think I was cross-eyed or something.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Please Help, I can't shoot anymore
Replies & Comments
gibson on 2/8/2011 9:50:29 AM
I'm no expert or teacher, but I had a few remedies for my own problem. If you are having trouble with cuts, practice cut shots at a few degrees from straight on, then widen the angle progressively until you can determine the point where you are having the problem.. Then shoot repeatedly at that angle from a short distance until you can make the shot consistently. Then increase the length of the shot so that you can make longer shots. So widen the angle and then increase the distance. Position is something you just have learn by use of english and speed control on the cue ball. When practicing make a mental picture of where the cue ball should go after the shot and see how close you can come to the ideal spot. Repeat the shot until you can get within a couple of inches of the desired spot.
Joemama217 on 2/8/2011 11:35:40 AM
Thanks for the tips. I will have to try that.
I'm also having trouble shooting straight though. Even on dead straight shots, I will seemingly line it up perfectly, but then when I shoot the cue ball it doesn't go where I initially aimed. I used to be able to shoot near perfect when shooting relatively straight shots, but now not so much.
Perhaps it's a problem with the way I follow through...
zpele on 2/11/2011 8:50:32 AM
More often then not when I see players get into a slump it has to do with their ability to concentrate. When you are down on the table there must be nothing in your thoughts but the cue ball and the point of impact on the object ball. I would consider meditation in order to focus your mind but in general if you are entirely focused on making the cue ball hit the right point on the object ball you will be able to make the shot.
I cannot stress enough- don't ever guess when making a shot. If you are not 100% sure that you know exactly where to hit the object ball then stand up and look at the ball again.
There are several aiming methods but there is one in particular that will work every time. Many people do not use it because it takes a ton of concentration on each shot but it will probably help in your case because it will make your mind concentrate- imagine a railroad track going from the CB to the object ball. Imagine every single aspect of the railroad and imagine the cueball running along that track.
Another more basic thing to recognize is the fact that you have to hit object balls at the correct point. Remember that you are hitting two round objects against eachother and- on cuts especially- aiming the middle of the cueball at the direct line between the object ball and the pocket will make you miss. You have to aim the edge of the cueball at the correct impact point in order to get the right results.
All of this takes an imense amount of concentration in order to get right time after time. I try to not talk or show emotion whilst in a match as it only serves to distract me.
Hope this helps...
Joemama217 on 2/11/2011 10:34:58 AM
Great answer. I will try to think about what you've said and incorporate it into my game. Thank you very much sir.
Mitch Alsup on 2/11/2011 3:39:00 PM
Lots (most?) of people go through streaks and basically everyone game improves with plateau effects. A lot of the time one gets a little better, looks golden for a while, then poof, its all gone for a (long) while.
There are two root causes, concentration, and mechanics. Concentration has to do with knowing what shot you want to hit, where on the object ball you want to make contact, what line the object ball will roll down after contact, and what direction the cue ball will roll after contact. Concentration and knowing what do do come via time at the table (and self discipline).
Mechanics is simply causing those concentration parts to be manifest. Mechanics is A.L.S.O. about staying down and watching the items annotated above in concentration take place. If your head moves, or your body moves, you cannot actualy see the CB hit the OB. On the other hand, if your body is absolutely still, you can see the CB hit the OB, the path the OB takes and the path the CB takes. You can see them well enough to see what correction to make (if any).
Here are two easy way to improve your mechanics.
Take two balls and place them on the end rail 2 balls apart. Roll the CB up table and back so that it strikes the unmoved finish position of your stroke. Make this 10 times in a row, then move the 2 balls so that they are 1.5 balls apart, 1.25 balls apart, 1.125 balls apart, 1 ball plus 2 match sticks apart....
Now, take an OB and place it on center spot, place the CB on head spot. Hit the OB so that it runs to end rail, and back hitting the CB, T.H.E.N. the CB rolls back to hit the still extended cue tip at finish position. If you can do this one (all three aspects) 3 out of ten times, your stroke is golden.
So next time you have a practice session, spend 20% of your time working on golden stroking. You will find it leads to making a lot of the longer shots, even though you never practiced making longer the shots.
336Robin on 2/26/2011 2:08:30 PM
Try my website, all the help you need to get reacquainted with what you've forgotten about pool in a very simple way is right there.
PoolGod on 3/20/2013 7:33:32 AM
Just a slump. Keep Practicing in a consistent manner and the problem will either show itself to you or go away on its own. Dont over-think, just shoot.
allanpsand on 4/11/2013 11:45:19 AM
Everyone does go through ups and downs.It has to do with the body's energy cycles, pretty much a sine curve.
However, when the problem extends beyond a few days, the problem is caused by a change in fundamentals.
The basic reason someone's game goes off (and stays off) is because the feet positions have changed. When you shift your feet (even an inch difference), your entire stroke goes off. Your head position changes, your legs and butt shift, all which throws your stroke off-line.
Set up a routine straight in shot. Shoot five or six shots. You will tend to miss to one side. Shift your front foot inward or outwards (increase/decrease the height of the triangle) from your stick about an inch and repeat. When you can drop every shot, that is where your feet should be.
Please Help, I can't shoot anymore
- Title: Please Help, I can't shoot anymore
- Author: Joemama217
- Published: 2/4/2011 5:06:57 PM