New Member with a couple questions
12/21/2008 1:09:57 PM
New Member with a couple questions
First of all, I'm an above average level player playing a lot trying to take the next jump into that masters level... For those of you familiar with VVS I'm at an A level.
My first question is;
I've recently hit a wall as far as improving my game.. I'm consistently hitting ERO's about 1 every 8-9 games (I'm at 7 all together on the season) but I'm not sure what to do to take my game to the next step. Any advice, drills, books, or articles would be extremely appreciated.
My second question is a little goofier;
I notice when I'm watching billiards on T.V. the pro's cues make a lot different sound. It's more of a high pitched crisp sound, and I've always wondered why that is. Are they playing with harder tips? Is it the type of tip?
I'm glad I finally found a forum where I can read a variety of tricks and tips in regards to this find bar room game, and hope to learn a lot here.
New Member with a couple questions
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 12/21/2008 4:34:49 PM
Many-to-most of the pros are playing with rather hard tips (Moori H and Talisman H, XH on jump cues) and are using shafts in the 11.5mm-12mm diameter. The taper remains the same but the diameter is reduces over the whole length of the shaft. The shaft diameter increases the shafts deflection away from the cue ball at impact and increases its sound WHILE decreasing the cue ball deflection away from the line of aim. Its all in the moment of inertia at the end of the shaft. If you pick up a shaft like this, be prepaired to spend 12 hours playing with it before you regain any feel. {The pros are using softer ferules than 20 years ago, also. Many of the pros also use either Master Blue chalk or harder}
If you are not getting better, practice more than you play.
Take notes when you play. Every time you miss a shot, write all necessary details down in a book. Next time you practice, shoot that shot 10-50 times in a row without missing. A typical session in a bar/league/match will give you a whole weeks worth of practice if you keep notes.
Make a 3" circle out of a piece of paper. Place the paper where you want the cue ball to stop after a shot. Shoot the shot 10-50 times and make the cue ball land on and stay on the paper.
Once you stop missing shots and stop missing position, your game cannot but improve.
Three Brothers Billiards on 3/31/2009 8:29:17 AM
Good reply Mitch, I like the idea of taking notes.
As weird as it may sound, sometimes getting away from the game for a week or two can actually improve it. If all you ever do is think about pool, you can get into a rut. Get away for a while and when you come back, you will feel refreshed, and possibly notice something about your game that you may have missed before.
New Member with a couple questions
- Title: New Member with a couple questions
- Author: SRogert402 (Shane Rogert)
- Published: 12/21/2008 1:09:57 PM