Best way to Learn Billiards?
6/5/2006 8:11:45 PM
Best way to Learn Billiards?
What is the best way to learn how to play billiards?
My thoughts are that you should take your time. Especially take your time with each shot.
I cant tell you how many times I have seen guys miss easy shots because they rushed them.
Best way to Learn Billiards?
Replies & Comments
jana on 10/13/2006 6:56:14 PM
That is good advice. Rushing a shot only leads to mistakes.
Nitin on 4/28/2007 4:53:26 AM
I have this question too.
I live in India and I love 8 ball.
I want to be a perfect 8 ball player. How can I achieve this? What 8 practice should I undertake?
What is the best way to learn 8 ball and become an expert player?
Best way to Learn Billiards?
- Title: Best way to Learn Billiards?
- Author: JoBoXr
- Published: 6/5/2006 8:11:45 PM