How to Qualify for APA National Tournament in Vegas
8/3/2009 1:53:31 PM
How to Qualify for APA National Tournament in Vegas
We would like info on the National APA Tournement.
What do we need to qualify to play, how much is the entry fee, and where will it be held in 2010?
In Waterloo, IA, we have BCA and VNEA leagues but not APA.
How to Qualify for APA National Tournament in Vegas
Replies & Comments
James McCurdy on 3/11/2013 4:50:39 AM
This APA membership looks like the old nasty biker dress code. You would think that if APA wants to set a good image for future players they would require their members to dress accordingly to the integrity of the company, but maybe they are as shown. If it were my company and I was going to Vegas my members would dress with integrity or they would not be allowed in.
I just did a rating on your site and then got the national rating of 5.05. Did it ever occur that the dress code might change your rating?
I have no respect for players who dress like Mike Asher for such an integral event. They have no respect for themselves or the people around them, and it makes no difference to me how good they are if the do not respect the integrity of the game. If he were on a field playing football that is a different thing, but this is an indoor sport and should have a decent dress code.
How to Qualify for APA National Tournament in Vegas
- Title: How to Qualify for APA National Tournament in Vegas
- Author: Wade Hannan
- Published: 8/3/2009 1:53:31 PM
- Last Updated: 1/17/2017 7:25:34 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)