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What HTML Tags Are Allowed?

The tags listed below are whitelisted. Any other tags in your posts will be automatically stripped out.

What HTML Tags Are Allowed?

The Billiards Forum content engine allows only the following safe, whitelisted subset of HTML tags:

  • <a> - hyperlink.
  • <b> - bold, use as last resort. <h1>-<h3>, <em>, and <strong> are preferred.
  • <blockquote> - specifies a section that is quoted from another source.
  • <code> - defines a piece of computer code.
  • <del> - delete, used to indicate modifications.
  • <div> - block wrapper element. For use only by admins and mods.
  • <dd> - describes the item in a <dl> description list.
  • <dl> - description list.
  • <dt> - title of an item in a <dl> description list.
  • <em> - emphasized.
  • <h1>, <h2>, <h3> - headings.
  • <i> - italic.
  • <img> - specifies an image tag.
  • <kbd> - represents user input (usually keyboard input).
  • <li> - list item in an ordered list <ol> or an unordered list <ul>.
  • <ol> - ordered list.
  • <p> - paragraph.
  • <pre> - pre-element displayed in a fixed width font and and unchanged line breaks.
  • <s> - strikethrough.
  • <span> - span - an inline wrapper tag. For use only by admins and mods.
  • <sup> - superscript text appears 1/2 character above baseline. For footnotes, other formatting.
  • <sub> - subscript appears 1/2 character below the baseline.
  • <strong> - defines important text.
  • <strike> - strikethrough is deprecated, use instead.
  • <ul> - unordered list.
  • <br> - line break.
  • <hr> - defines a thematic change in the content, usually via a horizontal line.

Allowed Attributes

img Attributes

The following attributes are allowed on the <img> tag, but note that the mobile theme enforces a maximum width of 90%, so specifying a height might not scale the image proportionally on the mobile sites.

The attribute order is important! Using a different order (e.g., height before width) will cause the system to strip the entire tag!

width="" (up to 999; do not include the 'px' extension)
height="" (up to 999; do not include the 'px' extension; see note above)

a Attributes

The following attributes are allowed on the <a> tag:


Important Notes

  • HTML tags unlisted above are stripped from the output. They may render in the client preview, but they will always be removed on the server.

  • You must enter the tags exactly as shown. Any deviation from this list—adding extra spaces, using single quote or no quotes, etc.—means the tag will be stripped.

  • We do not (and will not) allow <table> tags. Sorry. This is intentional and by design. If you need a quick and dirty "table", use <pre> and ASCII layout. If there is something special you need to post that isn't supported, just reach out to admins, and we'll make it happen one way or another.

What HTML Tags Are Allowed?

  • Title: What HTML Tags Are Allowed?
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 7/7/2016 7:59:02 AM

What HTML Tags Are Allowed?

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