My Pool Game is Falling Apart, Lost 4 Straight
8/22/2009 6:42:15 PM
My Pool Game is Falling Apart, Lost 4 Straight
Don't know what to do anymore. Lost 4 straight, and bad. I mean not just losses, total murder. I lost to a 5 in 9 ball last week 38 to 12. Dude would miss a shot and I would be snookered, I played well too, I got some safeties off my kick shots, chose my defense and offense very well, but couldn't get a break for the life of me. None of his shots were intentional defenses, they were just missed balls and I would get fucked over every time. I'm just venting, no need for explanations, because I don't believe there are any, I really just don't get it. I haven't shot a ball in 6 days now, thinking maybe if I give up I'll appease the pool gods and their torturous ways and next time out I might end up with a shot or two.
Yes I am whining once again, if you read this whole post I'm sorry you wasted your time, I'll put a warning at the beginning of my next rant.
My Pool Game is Falling Apart, Lost 4 Straight
Replies & Comments
quickshot on 8/22/2009 8:09:59 PM
Stop blaming the other shooter and check your mechanics. Something is out of kilter. This happens and we do not even realize it. Get off the playing table and work on your basics until you find the flaw. It's there somewhere.
The other player may be making jerky shots and leaving you with nothing, but that is because you left him with a jerky shot because yours are off.
Finding a flaw may not be easy. You may need someone to spot you.
Good luck.
And stop whining...waaaawaaaaa. It blocks your concentration.
Justanotherevolutionary on 8/23/2009 9:09:58 AM
Waaaaaaa...I'm not blaming the other player Quickshot. We had a very fun, friendly game...mostly laughing at me and how I was getting left with nothing just by chance. As I said none of his shots were intentional defenses. He acknowledged it himself and sincerely apologized for the bad leaves several times. I have nobody to blame but myself for not taking advantage of the few opportunities I did have. Oh well I'll quit my sniveling now. Just needed to clear that up because it sounds like you're questioning my sportsmanship, the one thing I am good at. I don't whine while I play. I whine after I play to you good folks =) All in good fun, of course. I wish other people would share their experiences too. I think it's a good thing for a billiard community to poke fun, and share stories with each other, but if it's going to be taken too seriously and become a bother I will keep it to myself. I just thought that's kinda what this section of the forum was for. =/
quickshot on 8/23/2009 9:41:27 AM
WaaaWaaa......I hope you take everything ai say as tongue in cheek. I am not one to lay blame except ina fun mode. I can tell by your post that it is all in fun mode and somwtimes we need that.
As for me I'm all whined out. Wine out also.
Fenwick on 8/23/2009 12:07:34 PM
I think taking time off is a mistake. Not my idea but my teachers. When I said I was taking a week off once he said get in here tomorrow and lets work together and see what's going on. Well I got there early and broke out my note book and poured over it looking for clues. I broke down my game and remembered some basic things I was ignoring. I've been taking notes for over two years now. Buy the time he got there I was back in stroke. When I mentioned another time I was happy win or lose as long as I played my best he became very serious. Then he told me, " whether you're playing for $.50 or $1,000 a game your focus should be on winning. If not you're playing like a loser." FWIW I never play a match to have fun. I don't even want anyone to talk to me during a match unless it's my partner and it's about pool. After the matches are over I'll shoot the breeze. I lost last week also; 9 ball. We play 12 matches each per night, 24 total 2 man team and I think I only won 4 or 5 games and my partner did about the same. One player was the better man that night.I think he won 9 or 10 of his games. 4 or 5 run outs and almost won one game on the 3 foul rule against me. My safety's weren't good enough and my run outs fell short. We lost 14 to 10 or 15 to 9? That night I walked out with my head held high knowing I'll do better next time. The next day and every day after I was back at the table working on my game. I play 30 to 40 hours per week plus leagues. Just my 2 cents.
Mitch Alsup on 8/23/2009 7:41:18 PM
"None of his shots were intentional defenses, they were just missed balls and I would get flucked over everytime."
My bet is that this opponent is well versed in the art of the 2-way shot.
That is, he picks his intended shot so that he gets a pretty tollerable next shot and that you get nada if he misses.
quickshot on 8/24/2009 6:41:59 AM
Well put Mitch. Very strong possibility. But as the Rev put it, and reading between th lines, because he played good offen and def, I am inclined to think he missed a lot of shots because of a flaw in his mechanics that he is not aware of. He is a good player, and like many good players, will not recognize a temporary flaw that sneaks into the stroke.
And as you know, that's why sports has coaches. They can pick out the little moves the person is not aware of.
Fenwick on 8/24/2009 11:16:11 AM
" "None of his shots were intentional defenses, they were just missed balls and I would get flucked over everytime."
My bet is that this opponent is well versed in the art of the 2-way shot.
That is, he picks his intended shot so that he gets a pretty tollerable next shot and that you get nada if he misses."
Me thinks that was directed towards a post of mine. Touché Messieur; Touché!
Justanotherevolutionary on 8/24/2009 3:48:31 PM
I won quite easily last night. Who the hell knows. I don't even care anymore. Whatever man, whatever. I'm just gonna hang my head and play like I don't give a $#!+.
My Pool Game is Falling Apart, Lost 4 Straight
- Title: My Pool Game is Falling Apart, Lost 4 Straight
- Author: Justanotherevolutionary
- Published: 8/22/2009 6:42:15 PM