How to Manage Your Cue Sports Career Progression
2/6/2008 8:10:32 PM
How to Manage Your Cue Sports Career Progression
My name is Jesse James Mckee and I have been playing pool for my entire life. I am 20 years old and I have been playing pool non-stop for the last two years 7 days a week.
Most likely, and this is just a guess but, I average 50 hours minimum a week on the pool table, literally around the clock.
And this thread is not of me bragging or anything but rather of discussing my level of skill and of asking for advice as to my next step to becoming recognized or at least trained further.
On average I can usually run the table from the break. My stroke I feel is perfected along with my follow,draw, stun, etc. I am able to position the cue ball for my next shot with ease along with thinking of the next 3 shots setup. My banking skills are excellent with nearly 100% accuracy along with the leave that follows.
Many people around me constantly tell me I am very good (and don't get me wrong, these people aren't complete idiots, they themselves have experience) and say I need to go play somewhere or get training from other advanced players.
Does anyone have any advice for me?
I feel that I am ready for the next level but I do not have a clue as to what the next step is? Again I am sorry if this seems like I'm boasting but the truth is I know where I stand in my game and I am also very confident in my game.
All I am asking is for advice preferably from other advanced players. Thank you for your time and I apologize if this is the incorrect forum for questions such as these.
How to Manage Your Cue Sports Career Progression
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/6/2008 8:18:36 PM
Welcome to the forum JJ - Thanks for joining. Kudos also to your level of dedication to the game. Where do you find that kind of time?
To answer your questions properly, I have a few more to ask you. Where are you located? (country and city) What, if any, tournaments or leagues do you frequent?
jessejamesmckee on 3/2/2008 7:21:31 PM
I am located in Kansas City, MO and I have been playing minor leagues, most likely insignificant but I realise its no challenge for me and I know I need some more and better compitition. Thanks for the reply.
treehumper on 3/5/2008 10:07:19 AM
Have you joined APA? If not then that would definitely be the next step. Contact them to find out where you can find higher level play. Good Luck
Cue Chalk on 3/7/2008 8:16:04 PM
It sounds like you are ready to take it to the next level. I believe that would entail stiffer competition. What you need to do is find a venue that will allow you to play players that are very accomplished in the game. You can accomplish that in several different ways.
You can go around town and find out who the house pros are in the various pool rooms. Talk to them and see if they give lesions and if they have anything to teach you. Use good judgment when selecting a teacher. You are looking for someone who can evaluate your game and help fill in you weak areas. See if you have any certified pool instructors in your city. There were several different organizations that use to certify billiard instructors a few years ago I haven’t kept up with them so I don’t know who is still doing it. Go online and try the BCA.
Another way is gambling. I would **not recommend ** gambling. Gambling can be dangerous, expensive and against the law.
That leads us to tournaments. Tournaments enable you to play against players you would normally not have the opportunity to play against. It also allows you to watch different players play and you can pick up a lot by just watching. Does your state allow pool tournaments? If so get online and see if you can find some in your area. You can also go to some of the older more established pool rooms in your city and see if you can find a schedule for some upcoming tournaments. If your state does not allow tournaments look on line for a tournament in a nearby state. A lot of states and regions have various tournaments that go to different states, cities and towns form pool room to pool room on an annual schedule.
You can judge a tournament by many things. I look at the number and quality of participants playing in it and the entry fee versus the payout. Normally the better players gravitate to the higher paying tournaments. Keep in mind the main reason for you playing initially is to evaluate your playing skill and to improve your game. If by chance you should win any money that’s a bonus. The entry fee in a tournament can run you from $50.00 and up. Check the player rules prior to going to determine how much it costs to play and also is there an annual membership fee. Some tournaments have dress codes. I have been to some tournaments that require players to use a certain brand name chalk. So check it out prior to committing to playing.
Good luck to you.
How to Manage Your Cue Sports Career Progression
- Title: How to Manage Your Cue Sports Career Progression
- Author: jessejamesmckee (Jesse Mckee)
- Published: 2/6/2008 8:10:32 PM