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Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series

Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series

I have an Adam CB-3 pool cue from the Adam Chorus Line series and was interested in the value of this cue.

It is the only cue in my collection that I can't find much info about.

Thanks in advance.

Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series

Replies & Comments

  1. chevymann04billiardsforum on 2/22/2025 9:10:02 AM

    Yeah, there's not much available on that series.

    In fact, I am not so sure that the "CB" series is called "Chorus Line". There is that one brochure that has the "Chorus Line" verbiage on that one page, but when it viewed as a full catalog, we can see that it's part of a sentence which spans multiple pages:

    A "chorus line" of Extras in the Adam Superstar Lineup

    When read in full, wee can see that it's just a marketing blurb to showcase the chorus line of features. It's a way of saying that these cue lines are packed full of features, like the way a chorus line is packed with singers.

    I believe the Adam CB series was in production from the late 1970s - early 1980s.

    There's an early 1980s Adam Cue Co. brochure which has the Adam CB-3 cue, and makes reference to the CB series in it's features list:

    Adam Superstar Features

    All CM, CB, and STR cues come with Superstar Features:

    • Top Quality French Leather Tips
    • Special Ferrule Material
    • Implex Joints on **CB**s
    • Nylon or Linen Wraps
    • White Rock Canadian Maple Shafts
    • Professional Taper and Balance


    There's another (I think slightly newer) Adam Cue Co. catalog from around the same era, which had 7 (of the 23+ models in the CB series), including the CB-3 cue.

    Here's the image:


    As for the value of an Adam CB-3 cue, they don't really command a big price. A lot is dependent on the cue's overall condition, which is impossible for me to judge without seeing well-lit, clear, and close-up photos of all aspects of the cue.

    eBay auctions are usually found with highly inflated prices which typically don't ever sell at those prices.

    There is one recent sale I found from the Adam CB series—an Adam CB-7 Cue (similar in complexity of design, thus, would be similar in value), which sold for $120 USD:


    Hope this helps.

  2. chevymann04chevymann04 on 2/22/2025 10:46:05 PM

    Thank you so much!

    I'm glad to see someone else had a hard time finding info... LOL.

    Much appreciated.

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Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series

  • Title: Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/12/2024 9:13:41 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/22/2025 8:15:46 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)