Storing Seating from a Pool Table Dining Table Combo
9/2/2014 4:09:29 AM
Storing Seating from a Pool Table Dining Table Combo
I am currently working on a project to produce a new set of seats around a transformable pool/dining table at home as i currently have to stack the seating around the pool table causing an inconvenience (see picture). I am asking if there is a market for this seating and if others face problems with storing seating around their pool tables?
Storing Seating from a Pool Table Dining Table Combo
Replies & Comments
T.Hillman on 9/2/2014 4:17:27 AM
Hi, i too have a dining table that transforms into a pool table and i face the problem of storing my dining seats especially considering its only a small room. I would definitely consider purchasing seating that can easily be stored around the table when wanting to play pool. Good luck with your project and i would say there is a market for the seating!
jack66 on 9/3/2014 12:20:55 PM
I have this very problem! we use our dining table every day but i have children who want to use the snooker table every night. It's a lot of work to continuously remove our chairs and stack them against the corners of the room and we also have the issue when playing of knocking our cues against the stacked chairs. I think there is a definite gap for your idea, all the best!
3388juah on 9/11/2014 11:43:26 AM
Sounds like a great idea. I dont have a transforming table however i would definitely look into buying dining seats that can fold down as it seems the only folding seats you can get are for outdoor use. For playing snooker maybe you could store the triangle and balls somewhere in the chair, would be a good feature maybe?
alex1 on 9/11/2014 12:04:25 PM
The idea is a good one however not too sure how many people own "transforming dining tables". The target market would be a niche unless you aim just for dining tables without a snooker theme myself being included in that market. I would be less interested in the folding of the chair but more of the storage for things like cutlery.
billiardsforum on 9/16/2015 12:48:08 PM
Its hard to say whether there will be a demand for your solution when we don't know what your solution will be or look like. What kind of solution did you have in mind? You mentioned your main "pain point" was moving and stacking the chairs before you could use the pool table for dining, and then putting back the chairs after the game.
It wasn't clear in your post as to what solution are you proposing to help you solve that problem? I am thinking that regardless the seating design' there will always be some pre-game and post-game labor to move the seating.
Storing Seating from a Pool Table Dining Table Combo
- Title: Storing Seating from a Pool Table Dining Table Combo
- Author: blhudson (B. Hudson)
- Published: 9/2/2014 4:09:29 AM