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How to Mount A Pool Cue Rack on the Wall

How to Mount A Pool Cue Rack on the Wall

I have bought a new one-piece cure rack very similar to the CR-11 wall cue rack from Billiard Warehouse.

  • 8 Cue Wall Rack with Bridge Clip, Talc Holder, and Ball Counter
  • 58" x 37" x 7"
  • Item #CR11-C Cherry
  • Also Available in Maple, Oak, or Old World Mahogany

The rack just has two holes on both sides of the ball rack holder. How do I fix this rack on the wall? Is there any kit available for this purpose?

The store that sold me the cue rack mentioned that they don't install the rack but he was mentioning something called sheetrock. What is this sheetrock?

How to Mount A Pool Cue Rack on the Wall

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How to Mount A Pool Cue Rack on the Wall

  • Title: How to Mount A Pool Cue Rack on the Wall
  • Author: (Eric Stalter)
  • Published: 5/2/2009 12:42:25 PM