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Do Wall Racks Damage Pool Cues?

Do Wall Racks Damage Pool Cues?


I Have Several Top End Cues That I Would Like To Display.

Does using a wall rack damage or warp the pool cues?

Thanks, Me

Do Wall Racks Damage Pool Cues?

Replies & Comments

  1. LonghairMitch Alsup on 6/3/2009 11:25:18 AM

    In order to prevent any stress to the shaft, you will want the cue to be perfectly vertical with no weight near the tip..

  2. Longhairbilliardsforum on 6/7/2009 7:25:29 AM

    I think room humidity levels can also be a factor in damaging cues...especially if there are dents or nicks in the surface coating. i.e.: and extremely humid room can cause slight warping over time.

    Mitch, what do you mean by "no weight near the tip"? Do you mean that, while on the rack, it shouldn't be leaning, say, outward, which would cause slight pressure up near the tip end which could cause warping?

  3. Longhairbilliardsforum on 6/7/2009 7:26:44 AM

    By the way, I meant to ask what top end cues you have? Anything antique?

  4. LonghairLonghair on 6/7/2009 3:28:59 PM

    Hello, I Want To Thank You All For Your Help!

    Cues That I Own: All Are 25 To 35 Years Old. I Cannot & Will Not Sell Them. 3- McDermott 3-Meucci 2-Lucasi I've Got My Eye On A Balabushka.

    Thank You

  5. LonghairBoro on 6/11/2009 1:18:50 PM

    if the cue tip is under pressure (for example of the shaft weight) and the shaft is not perfectly vertically aligned, then the shaft could bend.

  6. LonghairFastfish on 6/16/2014 5:46:00 PM

    There are so many racks out there, it will depend what kind you get. Some have metal clips & those can certainly scratch your cue if not careful. Simply put some adhesive felt on the rack at the parts that touch the cue if you're worrying about superficial marks. I personally don't display any high end cues. I have the players in my wall rack & high end ones in a cabinet.

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Do Wall Racks Damage Pool Cues?

  • Title: Do Wall Racks Damage Pool Cues?
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/3/2009 12:18:45 AM