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Caddy Corner Bench For Gameroom Seating

Caddy Corner Bench For Gameroom Seating

I was going to get a caddy corner bench so players could sit down while they wait their turn? Any thoughts? Hard wood mahogany?

Caddy Corner Bench For Gameroom Seating

Replies & Comments

  1. MrFatDbilliardsforum on 6/6/2006 12:09:58 AM

    There are a lot of pieces that you could integrate.

    Main factor is space.

    A corner is the perfect spot for a home bar in my opinion. With that, and a few stools, you'll be all set!

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Caddy Corner Bench For Gameroom Seating

  • Title: Caddy Corner Bench For Gameroom Seating
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/5/2006 8:03:00 PM