Rug vs. Carpet Under a Pool Table
4/24/2022 4:54:35 PM
Rug vs. Carpet Under a Pool Table
Does anyone have any advice for having carpet or a rug (or both) under a pool table?
I currently have my pool table on an area rug which is sitting on a hardwood floor. We will be moving soon and the area for the pool table will be carpeted.
Maybe it doesn't matter either way, but I am not sure if I should continue to have the rug under the pool table or just have it directly on the carpet.
It was not a cheap rug, but I assume it has permanent indentations from the pool table so it probably can't be reused anywhere else.
Any ideas?
Rug vs. Carpet Under a Pool Table
Replies & Comments
poolmaniac on 4/24/2022 5:13:27 PM
I was a little reluctant when I carpeted with a pad. I was worried about ensuring that the pool table sat level on it.
Before I placed my pool table on it I went to Home Depot and picked up some free samples of hard floors. I used them under the legs of my pool table and then shimmed between the wood sample and the pool table leg as needed, adjusting as the pool table settled.
It worked great!
krusnik123 on 5/2/2024 8:55:12 PM
I would suggest you switch to carpet since it's easier to maintain and clean. Regular vacuuming and occasional professional cleaning can help keep the carpet looking fresh. Also, they're designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and furniture weight.
In our guesthouse, we have this Barrington pool table set up in the garage, and even during occasional family gatherings when the room is full, the carpet underneath its seems fine and there are no scratch marks on our wooden floorboards.
Rug vs. Carpet Under a Pool Table
- Title: Rug vs. Carpet Under a Pool Table
- Author: user1650844475 (David Stallard)
- Published: 4/24/2022 4:54:35 PM
- Last Updated: 5/9/2022 12:47:18 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)