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Room Size and Wall Clearance for a Pool Table

Room Size and Wall Clearance for a Pool Table

So let's say I have two 7' tables next to each other. What should the clearance be around all four sides of the tables?

The room they are going into measures about 20' wide by 25" deep and would appreciate some suggestions. I would like to use the LEAST space possible but still have room for everyone to be able to shoot with comfort.

Room Size and Wall Clearance for a Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. all1knewjags on 7/18/2011 9:05:27 AM

    I just measured my stance as if I were shooting a ball on the rail and my back foot was 4' 3" from the edge of the table. I would say to be perfectly comfortable I would leave 5' between them.

  2. all1knewMitch Alsup on 7/20/2011 11:56:42 AM

    In my opinion, the smallers distance you shold consider is 60" between the noses of the adjacent rails. His allows one to use a full length cue and not disrupt the balls on the adjacent table.

  3. all1knewall1knew on 7/24/2011 4:25:38 PM

    So five foot from the wall as well?

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Room Size and Wall Clearance for a Pool Table

  • Title: Room Size and Wall Clearance for a Pool Table
  • Author: (William Kramer)
  • Published: 7/17/2011 2:34:23 PM