Possible to Fit a Pool Table in a 12.5' x 20' Room?
4/3/2016 8:25:09 PM
Possible to Fit a Pool Table in a 12.5' x 20' Room?
I am looking to buy our family a pool table.
The room dimensions are 12.5 ft by 20 feet. Is it possible to get a 7 foot pool table or an 8 foot pool table into a 12.5x20 foot room size? I know the width is narrow and is not an ideal pool table room size.
How often per game will this issue affect play?
My son and I have 58 inch cues. Would a 52 inch cue help?
Possible to Fit a Pool Table in a 12.5' x 20' Room?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/8/2016 7:56:47 AM
With an 8 foot pool table it will be tight, and you will definitely want to get a 52' cue. Even with that, you'll be left with just enough room.
with a 7 foot table you will be fine. But its a 7 foot table.
bigredford4me on 4/8/2016 8:11:00 AM
If it were you, and this is the space you had to work with, what size would you go with. How often with a 8 foot table, do you think a person would have to use a shorter cue?
billiardsforum on 4/8/2016 11:50:57 AM
Have a look at the topic here:
Putting a Pool Table in a Small Area
The guy modeled out all of the possible shot scenarios with various pool cue lengths, and has some comments on it about half way down.
Regarding the shorter cue, I would say you might only need to swap it in for about 25% of the shots, maybe less (e.g. only for the shots where the cue ball is hugging the rail and you are shooting straight across the short width of the table). Any time you are shooting at any angle other than 90 degrees to the wall, you'll have enough clearance.
Get a blanket or bed sheet and lay it out on the floor. Fold it into the size of the table and see for yourself.
And do let us know what you end up going with!
Possible to Fit a Pool Table in a 12.5' x 20' Room?
- Title: Possible to Fit a Pool Table in a 12.5' x 20' Room?
- Author: bigredford4me
- Published: 4/3/2016 8:25:09 PM