Ideas for New Pool Table Room Layout
3/9/2009 7:17:40 PM
Ideas for New Pool Table Room Layout
I am buying a soon to be built townhouse. The finished basement is 18'6" x 22'9" in size.
I am looking for ideas for turning this into a pool table room. I am scoping out a few 4 x 8 pool tables by Legacy pool tables and Brunswick.
I would also like to include a few things in the room but I am really having trouble laying it all out.
Could use some help or post some pics of their pool table rooms or game rooms of similar size?
Things I want to be included in the home pool table room:
- 4 x 8 pool table
- Dart board
- 42" plasma TV
- Walk-up Bar or something similar
- Seating (haven't decided on it yet)
Basically I have a blank canvas, so the layout and design is still up in the air. Any help would be great.
Ideas for New Pool Table Room Layout
Replies & Comments
Justanotherevolutionary on 3/10/2009 5:43:27 PM
In general:
- A bar + expensive pool table = bad idea unless you have responsible friends.
- Dart board next to pool table = bad idea unless you are a good thrower!
- 42" plasma = bad idea unless far away from flying billiard balls and darts!
- Seating = always a good idea.
- Nice cue rack, table, seating, hidden 5th of scotch or two just for you, sounds good!
You don't want to over do it. Or maybe you do. Good luck anyways, have fun with it. Get a good pool table cover too. Perhaps a gun cabinet to defend said pool table? =)
Ideas for New Pool Table Room Layout
- Title: Ideas for New Pool Table Room Layout
- Author: billiardsngolf
- Published: 3/9/2009 7:17:40 PM