Sink Opponent's Last Ball, then My Own Ball in Same Shot
3/31/2021 6:25:29 PM
Sink Opponent's Last Ball, then My Own Ball in Same Shot
In cutthroat pool, there are two players remaining and each has only their last ball remaining on the table.
Who wins the game if I make my shot and sink my opponents ball but then the cue ball rolls on to make contact with my last ball and pots it?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Sink Opponent's Last Ball, then My Own Ball in Same Shot
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/4/2021 9:51:37 AM
I assume it was also your last ball (as you didn't mention if it was). Let me know if I've understood the scenario incorrectly.
If that were the case, then, you'll have won the game, being that you sunk your opponent's last ball first via a called shot. Your ball was technically the last one remaining on the table, and you didn't commit a foul.
A similar question was asked previously (as you already saw).
user1617240329 on 4/4/2021 1:19:38 PM
Correct assumption.
It was just my opponent's last ball and my own last ball remaining on the pool table.
Thank you for the feedback and for helping settle the debate in our family friendly, but super intense, game of cutthroat pool. 😄
Sink Opponent's Last Ball, then My Own Ball in Same Shot
- Title: Sink Opponent's Last Ball, then My Own Ball in Same Shot
- Author: user1617240329
- Published: 3/31/2021 6:25:29 PM
- Last Updated: 4/5/2021 5:03:12 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)