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Way for Billiards Beginner to Learn to Shoot English

Way for Billiards Beginner to Learn to Shoot English

This is Nickol Foster, I am kinda new at playing pool, and I need to learn how to shoot all of the Englishes.

Can someone help me. Give me a link or something?

What is the best way for a billiard beginner to learn to shoot English?

Way for Billiards Beginner to Learn to Shoot English

Replies & Comments

  1. NickolSifu on 10/19/2024 11:00:18 PM

    Look for information on the tangent line in pool.

    Then look for information on the "30 degree rule" for follow and rolling shots. Dr Dave has a really good one on this where he talks about the "peace sign".

    Then you may need to look for information on "aiming with spin". Depending on your shaft, you have more or less deflection when you hit the cue ball with English.

    From there, it's really just lots and lots of practice.

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Way for Billiards Beginner to Learn to Shoot English

  • Title: Way for Billiards Beginner to Learn to Shoot English
  • Author: (Nickol Foster)
  • Published: 3/10/2011 2:01:33 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/17/2017 8:21:11 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)