How to Make the Cue Ball Spin Backwards?
10/4/2010 12:08:10 AM
How to Make the Cue Ball Spin Backwards?
I have a simple question about cue ball control. What is the trick to making the cue nall spin backwards after it contacts the object ball? I want to be able to "bring the cue ball back" various distances after it hits the object ball.
How to Make the Cue Ball Spin Backwards?
Replies & Comments
Loder on 11/4/2016 5:37:10 PM
Besides hitting low on the ball, you must have a proper grip and stroke. If you are gripping the cue too tightly it will not draw as you are wanting to do. Also, if you do not follow through on the stroke it will have an affect on your draw.
These are the two factors I've come across that seem to plague me when I'm having issues with my draw.
Also, don't raise the back of your cue, a level cue is a must for a good draw shot. You are not going for a masse shot and it will not increase the amount of draw you induce.
How to Make the Cue Ball Spin Backwards?
- Title: How to Make the Cue Ball Spin Backwards?
- Author: Ron Doctor
- Published: 10/4/2010 12:08:10 AM
- Last Updated: 9/10/2016 1:37:45 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)