How Long Does it Take to Understand Pool Ball Rotation and Spin?
6/24/2024 4:01:21 AM
How Long Does it Take to Understand Pool Ball Rotation and Spin?
How long does it take to understand pool ball rotation and spin in billiards?
How long into playing pool consistently did you start to have a good relative understanding of where spin would leave the cue ball?
How Long Does it Take to Understand Pool Ball Rotation and Spin?
Replies & Comments
Sifu on 10/19/2024 5:52:09 PM
Your question is a little too generic to answer.
The only answer I can give is "it depends".
This could be talking about cue ball control or throw, which are really different things. The one you're most likely talking about is cue ball control.
So, limiting to that question, again, it depends. "A moment to learn, a lifetime to master". We've all heard it, and when it comes to anything billiards, it definitely applies. There are multiple variables that will come into play. Your vision? Your natural skill a spatial awareness (how well do you mentally visualize angles)? How good and/or consistent is your stroke? How much do you practice? How well do you maintain focus when you practice? How good do you have to be before you say you "understand" it?
It will progress through stages. How quickly depends on your natural skill and your investment into practice.
Things you need to progress through: What is the natural path? You'll need to understand the tangent on a "stop shot". This also means you need to understand the stop shot itself and how distance and speed affect it. What changes when you change follow/draw or left/right or the combination of each? What changes when you change speed? What happens when you change the degree of English you use, e.g. one tip vs max? How does that affect aiming? How much does YOUR cue deflect?
"I want to avoid this scratch" You can probably make a a good amount of progress on this in just a few practice sessions, if your stroke is consistent and you focus well. You're only having to make minor changes in the natural path.
"I want to get to this general zone on the table for my next shot" This will take more work, but most players should be able to get here without huge investment.
"I want position on this shot with a tight window" This could take a lot of investment.
"I want to know three ways to get this position so I have options even if there are balls in the way". Most players don't reach this level, which is probably semi-pro / pro.
How Long Does it Take to Understand Pool Ball Rotation and Spin?
- Title: How Long Does it Take to Understand Pool Ball Rotation and Spin?
- Author: beckahmaria
- Published: 6/24/2024 4:01:21 AM
- Last Updated: 9/4/2024 8:43:00 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)