Calculate Cue Ball Deflection
6/18/2007 8:15:10 AM
Calculate Cue Ball Deflection
Is there an easy way to calculate the angle, other than 90 degrees, at which the cue ball will travel after making contact with an object ball?
Calculate Cue Ball Deflection
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 11/30/2007 7:48:56 PM
I did what I do best and did a search. I can not post the answer as I would Plagiarize form another site but the answer is available if you look. That would not be ethical I.M.H.O. and I think I would be violating this sites code of conduct rules? I wish more people knew of this site and or were willing to add to posts.
Fenwick on 12/16/2007 1:07:39 PM
Try here and tell me if this is what you where looking for.
DLCBreaks on 12/18/2007 8:47:36 PM
No. Nothing in billiards is easy. There is however a few books available on the diamond method of calculating rebound angles and banks. Keep in mind that any english (spin) on the cue ball will effect the rebound angle.
tedmauro on 1/18/2008 3:01:06 PM
You are talking about the tangent line. This is the path the cue ball will take after contacting the object ball with a half cue tip below center English. High English will follow and shorten the angle and low English will draw the ball and stretch the angle out. Do a Google search for tangent line or billiards fundamentals. You may also try searching for pool billiards tips.
Hope this helps.
Fenwick on 7/8/2008 6:48:24 PM
What about using a line on your cue. This, ( I ) represents a line I have near the joint on both of my Cues. It's a black line inlay in the cream colored joint. If I hold it above the contact point of a object ball I can determine the line the Cue ball will travel after hitting it within a few degrees. Is it dead on, no but it is darn close! Works real well on break shots playing 14 and 1. I would like to know what others think of this method after giving it a try. Ted gave a great tip; "High English will follow and shorten the angle and low English will draw the ball and stretch the angle out." and I often forget to take English into account. Thanks Ted.
quickshot on 7/8/2008 11:32:18 PM
Did you order that line ( I ) special when you purchased the cues or did the cues come with the line? I'm still working on the "O" ring theory but using tape instead. The key spot on the grip is fast coming to a location that will work with a sensitive grip. As usual. Ted is right on target with his tips.
tedmauro on 7/9/2008 1:19:54 AM
Hello Fellas,
Happy to hear the tips helped out. I have not tried a line on my cue. I have practiced so much over the years that I see lines in my minds eye pretty well. I find the line and then spin the cue ball appropriately into my target. No it doesn't work perfectly every time, but my average for league is usually pretty high. Enough practice makes any activity like second nature.
Fenwick on 7/9/2008 1:51:58 PM
"Did you order that line ( I )special when you purchased the cues" No, just a stroke of luck I guess. I saw the house Pro using his Cue in such a manner against me one day. Then I had noticed several players use it during a games but honestly did not have a clue what they where doing until recently. It works quiet well on carom shots off the rack and frozen balls in the rack for breaks. I think I also saw them in minds eye at one time but I lost it somewhere in the 70's when I put my Cue down? It might come back some day?
quickshot on 7/9/2008 5:39:16 PM
Maybe I'll get out the magic marker. Water soluble so I can remove it if necessary.
acuerate on 1/31/2010 7:44:29 AM
Hi all,
when we talk about Cue Ball Deflection (or in other words Squirt as it's called in the us) ... it means the angle at which the cue ball will deviate from it's intended line of aim when the cue ball is hit with a certan ammount of side spin. In snooker this is a very big issue as the pockets are small and precision is the name of the game when you play long pots.
Johan Cools Acuerate Team
QStix on 4/10/2012 9:56:12 PM
If you search you will find a few books regarding cue ball deflection and how to calculate it, and you can also get information on Google.
But as far as my view is concerned I think with practice you will be able to play the shots in the way that it will get deflection as you want. You will begin to understand at what angle you have to play the shots to get desired result.
Calculate Cue Ball Deflection
- Title: Calculate Cue Ball Deflection
- Author: cuebald
- Published: 6/18/2007 8:15:10 AM