Cowboy Billiard Rules Cue Ball Fails to Hit the One Ball?
6/5/2006 7:52:32 PM
Cowboy Billiard Rules Cue Ball Fails to Hit the One Ball?
Is it a foul when the cue ball fails to hit the 1 ball in Cowboy Billiards?
When a player is playing for his or her 101st point, it is considered a foul if the cue ball fails to contact the one ball, or if the cue ball contacts any other object ball.
I have actually cheated on this rule. I have said that it doesn't matter if cue ball fails to hit one ball.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Cowboy Billiard Rules Cue Ball Fails to Hit the One Ball?
Replies & Comments
jana on 6/6/2006 12:52:05 AM
Good call actually. Most game rules state that on foul shots (such as the one you have mentioned above) it is the onus of the other players to "call" you on them. If they fail to do so, the game continues.
yeah yeah, I know i'll be hearing it from the "moral" bunch of you all here :)
Cowboy Billiard Rules Cue Ball Fails to Hit the One Ball?
- Title: Cowboy Billiard Rules Cue Ball Fails to Hit the One Ball?
- Author: JefSharky
- Published: 6/5/2006 7:52:32 PM