Used Fischer Pool Table Reviews
8/16/2020 9:02:19 AM
Used Fischer Pool Table Reviews
I am a newbie to pool tables and need some help choosing a used pool table.
I am looking at 2 Fischer pool tables for sale in my area.
Are Fischer brand pool tables any good?
Can anyone tell me about them and if either one is worth the price. I have no idea if any or either of them have a slate playfield or not.
Both are for sale for $600.
Used Fischer Pool Table Reviews
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 8/17/2020 6:39:19 AM
The one with the red cloth seems to look better.
Have you searched this site for info on Fischer pool tables? I found the best list of results by searching "Fischer Company" (be sure to use the quotation marks).
One result said that used Fischer pool tables are rarely worth over $500.
Type79 on 8/18/2020 10:44:26 AM
My advice to anyone looking for a pool table is to buy a used Brunswick Gold Crown. They are commercial-grade pool tables, will take a great amount of abuse, and for all practical purposes last forever.
Smart shoppers with patience can find them for sale in all price ranges.
billiardsforum on 9/15/2020 7:17:45 AM
Both of the Fischer pool tables in the photos above are newer (relatively speaking) residential-grade Fischer pool tables and are not worth much at all. You can find them for a few hundred or less (and sometimes free) if you have patience.
The much older commercial-grade Fischer pool tables are of much higher quality, but most have a very out-of-date 1960s or 1970s styling which some folks don't care for.
I second @Type79's advice above. Used Brunswick Gold Crown pool tables are the way to go.
Good luck and let us know what kind of pool table you ended up going with in the end.
Used Fischer Pool Table Reviews
- Title: Used Fischer Pool Table Reviews
- Author: jeff68981
- Published: 8/16/2020 9:02:19 AM
- Last Updated: 9/15/2020 7:05:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)