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Thinking about buying a pool table. Need Advice!

Thinking about buying a pool table. Need Advice!

I am thinking about buying a Leisure Bay Pool Table. Its only 2-3 years ago. It has 1-inch Slate and is in great condition. I do not know anything about this brand of pool table. Can anyone tell me about this brand?

Thinking about buying a pool table. Need Advice!

Replies & Comments

  1. guestFenwick on 12/2/2010 1:17:42 PM

    I think you meant 2 or 3 years old. You also didn't mention price. My question is are you looking for a long term investment or something for amusement for family and friends. I did a search and didn't find out much. Not a high end table acording to what I did find on the web.

    Always remember to take into account the cost moving the table and setting it up.

  2. guestjohnwicks on 12/7/2010 6:37:17 AM

    Determine your budget - know that you'll get what you pay for and do some research on pool tables and buy a name-brand table if you can.

  3. guestsophie hart on 12/8/2010 12:58:10 AM

    Most dealers don't play fair and wouldn't know what to tell you. I saw a poolroom and every bar table had Simonis. When you go through life go with the best when you can.

    I think Leisure Bay billiard tables are decent, even if you want to go for an old one.

    We built our pool table manually with the help of a skilled carpenter and some friends. Doing it this way cost much less. I just bought the material and designed my own type of billiard table. It was a very basic and simple design and it met official size specs.

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Thinking about buying a pool table. Need Advice!

  • Title: Thinking about buying a pool table. Need Advice!
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/2/2010 7:57:15 AM