Looking to Buy a Used Pool Table
3/28/2011 12:01:49 PM
Looking to Buy a Used Pool Table
I am looking to buy a used pool table.
Can anyone give me some hints on what I should be looking for, prices, and what to expect while moving the table. I am looking to maybe spend around $1000. I would like a nice looking, well performing slate table. Is this a reasonable expectation?
Looking to Buy a Used Pool Table
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 3/28/2011 5:55:01 PM
In my opinion:
For this cost structure, you best bet is to find a table on e-bay, craigs-list in your home town at no more than $700 and then spend $300 to pay a table mechanic to disassemble, reassemble and set yp the new table. If new cloth is needed, this will add $200-$300 to the price.
Looking to Buy a Used Pool Table
- Title: Looking to Buy a Used Pool Table
- Author: amusall
- Published: 3/28/2011 12:01:49 PM