Bumper Pool Table Rectangular or Hexagonal?
3/6/2010 12:50:55 PM
Bumper Pool Table Rectangular or Hexagonal?
Am thinking of buying a bumper pool table.
Is rectangular better or hexagonal ?
I don't know much about this so any insight would be appreciated.
I am new to the forum so this might be the wrong place to ask this.
Bumper Pool Table Rectangular or Hexagonal?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/7/2010 7:05:33 AM
Please don't double post.
billiardsforum on 3/7/2010 7:15:15 AM
To answer your question, they are rectangular in shape. The hexagonal ones you see are actually a three-in-one recreation table, and they are shaped that way for the poker usage.
Fardog on 3/11/2010 8:35:25 AM
Actually, they are octagonal I guess.
When you say they are made for poker, are you implying that they do not function well as bumper pool tables?
Is it less authentic?
Fox523 on 8/10/2010 1:01:25 AM
Valley/Dynamo still makes the "classic" rectangular bumper pool table. It uses a 3/4" slate bed, measures around 3ft x 6ft and is reasonably sound.
Aramith still manufactures bumper pool balls and they should not be too hard to get.
Verhoeven, (famous for pocket-less carom billiard tables) actually makes some downright beautiful bumper pool tables...check out their Louis XIV "Golf billjarts" model.
Fenwick on 8/10/2010 10:03:34 AM
@billiardsforum is correct. Real Bumper tables are rectangular in shape.
Table Dimensions: 54"L x 39"W x 31"H is the standard as far as I'm aware.
Bumper Pool Table Rectangular or Hexagonal?
- Title: Bumper Pool Table Rectangular or Hexagonal?
- Author: Fardog
- Published: 3/6/2010 12:50:55 PM