Are Olhausen Pool Tables Worth the Price?
12/31/2019 9:09:11 PM
Are Olhausen Pool Tables Worth the Price?
Are expensive Olhausen pool tables worth the price?
They seem to be a little bit costly. What are your thoughts?
Are Olhausen Pool Tables Worth the Price?
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 1/3/2020 6:49:05 PM
I have found several used Diamond pool tables going for $1000, and at the same time, a guy with an Olhausen Grand Champion (or whatever they call it) and he wants twice as much for it.
Just keep looking for a used Diamond pool table.
billiardsforum on 1/3/2020 7:39:41 PM
Agreed. It's a buyer's market and there's a mass sell-off of pool tables that's been happening over the past 5+ years.
Skip the "residential-grade" pool tables and invest in a commercial-grade table as has been suggested above.
Are Olhausen Pool Tables Worth the Price?
- Title: Are Olhausen Pool Tables Worth the Price?
- Author: Jalal (Jalal Uddin)
- Published: 12/31/2019 9:09:11 PM
- Last Updated: 1/1/2020 4:12:52 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)